How can I encourage visitors to PAY rather than simply VIEW my free page?

I have 8.2k followers on my free OnlyFans account, and a ton of them have subbed for more than a year, talked to me for free, and given me great feedback. But… They didn’t make a purchase. In fact, 0.03% of users buy my material.

I get ghosted when I inquire, “Hey, I see you’ve been subbed a while; is there a reason you haven’t purchased?” or something along the lines of, “Is there a set or fetish that entices you?” Finished reading.

How can I persuade people who enjoy conversation and interaction to make the purchase? I’m not the best at pressing people into making purchases, and my free content receives far more traction than my paid content ever did.

By the way, it was always this way. I don’t upload films or photos that aren’t edited; nearly all of them are taken with my DSLR. Nobody buys what I do with customs. The only thing that makes me unique is that I have impairments and am a real virgin, so I have plenty of time to squander chatting. I reasoned that if I spoke first, they would get to know me and make a purchase. :confused:

I have a free page, but I don’t talk to others for free. I’m amiable at first, but I’m blunt." How may I assist you? Or are you trying to locate a specific item? makes the argument clear. I’ve occasionally had to say, “My time is paid.” I don’t talk much unless it’s about a service like “paying subscribers stay, freeloaders stop.” While I have a lot of freeloaders, I also talk to those subscribers who regularly purchase customs.

stop chatting to them for free.

Yes, unless they are openly attempting to purchase something. “Sorry babe I have to prioritize the people who tip to chat, it’s only fair”

After a few messages and it’s noticeable they won’t buy, I send this:

Hi! Unfortunately, your free conversation with this creator has run out. If you’d like to continue, tip before sending your next message. Thank you, xx

At that point they either tip to continue or I ignore the next messages. I give about 10 back and forth messages before sending this.