Hello there! On my wall, I have over 2.2k photos and 150 full-length (1–10 minute) films. I get maybe five nibbles from my weekly PPV, which I send out. I often charge between $10 and $15 for it, with a duration of three to six minutes. I also try to explain the items they will be purchasing. However, I’ve been under the impression that because I have a large number of videos, people may not feel the need for PPV, which leads me to my inquiry.
In the event that I remove video content from my wall, what percentage is appropriate to keep up? Is it necessary to post seventy videos?
edit: I should have included some background. It expired and was sent to current subscribers. Since I follow everyone, my list of followers is approximately 900. Should I begin sending it as a priority mail since I have Buddyx as well? I know I’m babbling, but I’m in the top 3.8%, and many big artists talk about how ppv and messaging are their main sources of income, but at the moment, the sub fee is where I make the most money. Turning this around, I want to investigate why my PPV isn’t selling.
I would honestly take the majority of your wall post videos down and re-market for a PPV page. I changed any videos I post on my wall from about a minute to 10 seconds. Men will get off on anything, especially if they feel like they don’t want to pay. I then PPV everything else.
I wish I could help more, but I’m still really new. Here’s what I’ve observed on my page thus far: PPV and locked messages account for less than 8% of what’s coming in; 84% is from monthly subscriptions, and the remaining 8% is from tips. Starting tomorrow, I’m raising the monthly payment from $10 to $25 without PPV. We’ll see how it goes. Wish me luck!
Everything on my wall is scheduled to automatically disappear after 30 days. In this manner, subscribers are spared months and months of content; they can only view the month for which they are subscribed (as well as the month prior). On average, there are 200 photos and 100 videos.
On my wall, I upload videos that last three minutes or less, usually just one. More than three-minute films or photo sets are sold per minute. usually multiple times a week in a bulk message.
I would eliminate a significant portion of them, and then perhaps return them gradually. It’s a lot of material to read through.
Do you use your PPV archive to create a post on your wall? I do it so that prospective subscribers can browse the content by category (I debated having a PPV-only page as a warehouse but ultimately decided against it). And I only do one every week. As I’m creating my collection, I frequently hint at the PPV in a post earlier in the week.