hello! As the title suggests, I am apathetic in sales. To be honest, I have had OF for some time and am annoyed since I have no sales technique. I read and watch movies on how to sell, but I’m not sure how to apply that to selling materials. Every interaction starts with a hello. Great, and you? Where are you from, and what are you working on? And that’s where it ends; I know that if the fan is interested in me, he would ask me something, but my job also includes looking for the sale. How should I go forward? Any guidance you can give me would be greatly appreciated! I felt ashamed to ask; I feel dumb for not closing one single sale. I appreciate you looking over me.
Make a video, grab a screenshot of the vid, then upload that image on your profile. The subs that enjoy the picture mail them and forward the video together with a monetary offer.
I also find that a lot of guys don’t look at DMs so it’s definitely helpful to post new video previews on your wall!
If you do this, make sure your screenshots have decent, if not perfect, quality! Many creators publish hazy, boring pictures of their videos, which bothers me a lot while looking for material to purchase. The best thing is to make sure the movie is adequately lit; dark videos may seem more pixelated or grainy. If you’re feeling extra, you could add some basic lighting and sharpening tweaks to the screenshot.
Has that worked for you doing it that way?
Yes. For some reason, my subs are quite silent. I don’t know if it’s something I’m doing wrong, and I don’t want to keep texting without responses. I will publish some free stuff on my wall or profile and forward the extended version to their messages for $. I’m literally battling for my life on there and don’t want to be disheartened, but it’s slow.