Individuals requesting sex

How do you reply to/handle those who message you constantly asking for sex? Most of them just don’t seem to care, even after I usually tell them that it’s not something I do and that both accounts might be closed for violating the terms and conditions. Although they typically purchase the most videos, I feel horrible blocking them because I don’t want to run the risk of having my account terminated. Many thanks, everyone!

I usually just respond with something like, “That’s a hot idea/hot fantasy, babe, but it’s against the terms of service for me to discuss the idea of meeting further.” This has, in my experience, discouraged people from trying again.

Could you stoop down on me like this, baby? We can still fantasize because we can’t in real life. Message locked with me bent over and shaking my ass

I let them know it’s against OF’s terms of service and that I hope our accounts don’t get in trouble so we can continue speaking. When I say it that way, most of them are respectful. They most likely try to message me somewhere else to inquire, but my DMs are disabled :joy: