Need help! Sexting

Okay, so tell me how to get your subscribers to message you. Every morning, I send out a message that says, "Hey, whatcha doing? I attempt to pique their interest by being a little flirtatious, and sometimes they will ask to see me, but as soon as I send the locked message, they ghost! And wait… and wait… I’ve been successful some days, but other days I just get so many people who want to tell me they are at work or mowing the lawn lol!

I’m doing things the drip-style. and have a large subscriber base; what am I doing incorrectly?

What is the frequency of your messages? When I first email it, I usually receive a few replies, most of which are not very long. Not much during the day; maybe a few random responses.

I simply can’t seem to get them to sext.

“Hey whatcha doing” is a very generic message that doesn’t imply that you want to sext someone. Because your question isn’t detailed enough, you’re receiving dull answers.

How about something like, “I just woke up so horny, wanna chat with me?” in the message?

“Hey, whatcha doing?” is incredibly general and clearly not meant for the one reading it. They don’t sense any specialness or need to reply. They are simply subscribing to someone who sends out a rando message that looks exactly like the dozens of other messages they receive from all the models they follow. (To verify this for yourself, create a fan account and follow every free submodel that is being promoted on the main screen.)

You must submit something intriguing, original, and/or tailored to that subscriber.

The majority of my most frequent sexters, who are also my admirers, want to tell me about their day, their jobs, their latest video game, and their yard work. We discuss that, and if it drags on too long without any natural tips, I’ll politely ask for a tip for my time. Together with setting up sexting dates (with a deposit), I’ll also arrange for us to spend the afternoon speaking nonstop about our days and how eager we are for our hot fun. Many of these guys prefer that you exhibit interest in them and their interests rather than trying to sell them something right away. In my experience, you won’t gain good, long-term subscribers if you don’t do that.

You have four different types of clients, so consider my modest size.

  1. One-time buyers who subscribe to your feed just to view the photographs may return in a month or two when they feel lustful.

The best method to communicate with them is to simply engage in small talk and avoid bothering them too much with correspondence; otherwise, they will become offended and depart. Converting them into buyers isn’t as easy as it seems. However, if you become famous one day and have a thousand subscribers, this would probably account for about half of your purchases, so it’s important to maintain their interest so they continue to subscribe.

  1. Regular members who make an infrequent purchase, perhaps once a month

I use a similar strategy with these clients because they typically have few funds. If you strike up a casual discussion and engage in some serious flirting, you might be able to convince them to make a weekly purchase. If you’re still little, it’s worthwhile to put extra effort into your messages to these folks.

  1. Purchasing Partners

Now, these folks are going to be the ones making you rich; in fact, buyers account for over half of my revenue. These people WANT you to bring on the content offers because they have good jobs and money to spend. These folks will buy numerous items in a single session, so flirt, say hello, strike up a discussion, and learn how to turn it into horniness. Your objective should be to keep them interested in what you have to offer. This is likely to account for 20% of your subscribers.

4-Dads who love sugar

These buyers are uncommon and contentious, but they will purchase any item of yours. They’ll even pay to chat and hang out with you. Now keep in mind that after you become renowned, your reputation also lives and dies, so proceed with utmost caution while dealing with sugar daddies. Steer clear of all political discourse and conversations that could result in your Twitter account being deleted. Steer clear of any raceplay at all. A father who can ruin your name and get you into problems isn’t even worth ten thousand bucks, in my opinion. I’ve already turned away a lot of legitimate fathers because I knew if I stayed with them for the long haul, there would be turmoil. Throw out all the marbles, though, if you can locate a decent, low-key one.