Words of support

Since I’m at a loss for words, we’ll just call it a vent. I joined this group since all the gals in my other OF groups were wanting to be shouted out; thus, this is my first post here. ANYWAY. How do you women manage? For the past few months, I’ve been constantly marketing everything, and it seems that the more attention I get, the more negative feedback I receive! Hateful remarks usually don’t bother me. Although I have always been bullied, they have been really nasty lately on this site! I’m used to hearing comments like “you’re fat” or “you’re ugly,” but one guy told me, “I couldn’t be paid to be in the same room as you.” I thought that was a bit much! I suppose what I’m seeking is confirmation that I’m not the only one who experiences hatred.

You are not alone; hate speech will always exist. The best action is to ignore it and accept that those who post it are unhappy and have nothing better to do.

Hate speech promotes engagement because, in the end, it’s still just speech. Just keep in mind that you are truly benefiting from this for them. Who, then, is the true loser? (Hint: It’s always them, really💗)

Sadly, I believe that people can act however they like in this odd world. Thank God this group exists.

It’s normal that not everyone will like your physique, because, despite the fact that it is attractive, people will admire it for everyone who despises it. Since we are our own harshest critics, the hate is frequently the loudest to us, and occasionally their voices magnify our own inner turmoil. I try to concentrate most of my postings on subreddits where people adore particular aspects of my body, which at one point I didn’t think I loved at all (my stomach, my droopy tits, etc.). I am so much more confident now than I ever was before. And if you ever find yourself wishing you were X, Y, or Z different from other people, just keep in mind that “if you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, because there will always be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” This passage is taken from the 1927 poem Desiderata. I personally strive to live by this, as it’s all very wonderful. <3 I hope this is helpful.

Although I personally hide these terms so they don’t appear in comments, these kinds of remarks definitely aid in increasing interaction. maintains your sense of self-worth (at least for me).

I apologize for your experience, and I find it concerning that I have only recently begun to receive fan mail this week! I’m not sure how I’ll handle the hateful remarks. I should probably make sure I have thick skin. Never forget that you are a stunning goddess queen!

I won’t take it personally, but this is how I generally handle hatred.